Sell Vintage Games

Yes you read the title correctly, sell vintage games. Ebay is setup well for those of us willing to hunt down vintage items and advertise them for sale. Just think about the last time you were after that spare part for your old car, that old game you can’t buy in the shops anymore, or that teacup to match the one you just chipped in your old tea set. Where does your mind immediately wander to..... Ebay!

I am not a fashionable guy. I can’t spot vintage clothing. But I have found an Ebay niche in board games. In particular MB board games. Connect 4, Mouse Trap, Frustration, old style. I loved those games as a kid, and I want my kids to enjoy them too, in the same way I did. It’s funny but even new versions of the same game don’t cut it. And others seem to think the same too. 

As to where to find them. Charity shops. Remember you are going to sell with a postage cost of about £3, so you need to buy these games at a low price, say less than £2. Buy anything that is an old MB game. Then sell it auction style on eBay for 4.99 plus postage.

If you sell for 4.99 plus 3 pounds postage, your fees are about 80 pence, which combined with a 2 pound purchase price, and less the 3 pound postage, leaves about 2 pounds profit. Not a huge amount, but it is profit! Sell 5 games and get an extra tenner a week. Some things sell for more than others, so this really is your minimum profit. Another game that sells well is the original monopoly, the red one, for which I have made £10 profit once.

Doing this trains you to convert ebay from a means for getting rid of your own stuff, to a business opportunity. Over time you’ll try different collectibles and find your own niche, but vintage boards is a great starter!


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