What books can really help you become more wealthy?

In short, most of them, actually. I read a lot of books, and whilst sometimes it takes a significant amount of time to read through them, there is normally at least one useful lesson in each of them I can take away and implement. A book I did enjoy reading was Rich Dad Poor Dad which takes a (true) story-based approach to teaching the principles of building wealth. Whilst I am not particularly keen on the "I didn't get a degree, I learned to sell" approach some books have, it was conveyed gently in Rich Dad Poor Dad and so I wasn't immediately put off. For completeness, I have a degree, like my professional job and any academic studying that comes with it! Overall though one message shone through for me in Rich Dad Poor Dad - pay yourself first. Seems simple right? But many of us grab an income, get it taxed, pay all our expenses, maybe buy a few luxuries, get to the end of the month and dump (what we hope is) some cash into savings or investments. This is all backwards - why are we not paying into our savings and investments first? It is really surprising how much of a difference this makes. I have since found I always manage to pay all the other things, in fact it has motivated me to work harder and earn more! Another book I have recently finished reading is Money by Rob Moore. This is a down to Earth read from someone who started low and working his way up. Again, albeit a book by someone who ditched the employee setup and become self-employed, the mantra of "ditch your job" does not come through. Rob has had good success by learning to use others or technology to maximise his income. One man alone cannot do all the marketing, researching, and selling a business needs, but you can use leverage to help out. The one thing that really caught me in this book is the principle of valuing yourself. Rob speaks of a personal GDP. This can help you determine when to do a job yourself, and when to leverage others or other systems to do the job for you. I currently value myself at £20 per hour. If any kind of job arises that I can pay someone or something to do for me at a rate less than £20 an hour, I apply the principle of leverage to use that other person or thing to do the job, whilst I can go off and better use my time (normally by earning £20+ for that time period!). Think it through, does it make business sense to have a Lawyer doing minor admin tasks? No! So should you be spending 30 mins driving to, and 30 mins driving back, from a supermarket, then you can shop online, get free delivery, and use the hour you saved making £20 selling stuff on Ebay? Whilst these are just a few examples, there are more. Most books you read repeat a lot of what you have heard before, but there is normally at least one key message or takeaway that will be useful for you. Books are cheap, but the knowledge you take away can have significant value. Keep reading and learning.


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